Rolling over my bed, I groggily opened my eyes and grabbed my phone from the side-table to check the time.

“7:15 am”

I jolted up and out of that mattress in record time. Nothing wakes me up like the realization that I’m running late. By 8 am, I was supposed to be in a community center that takes around 30 minutes to get to from my place to teach kids and give out food packages. Even a first-grader can do the math and figure out the implications of that.

For a split second, I slowed. I considered the fact that I probably wouldn’t make it on time. I didn’t have a car to drive and booking Grab (PH’s version of Uber) is a nightmare. And if you know me, you would know that I detest being late. I would rather not show up at all than arrive late. So to be honest, the thought of not going anymore crossed my mind.

But then the Holy Spirit reminded me about how I spoke to the Lord about my calling the night before and how the words I released also applied to this particular situation. I grabbed my journal and took a quick look at my last entry.

I present to You all of me – even if I may not be the best person to have out there. You deserve more than me. You deserve more than I can give. But if You will have me, then please take me and use me for Your purposes.

It seems that my statements were already being put through the fire, to see how true they would stand. I asked the Lord to help me press on – quickly. And with His guidance, I pressed on.

If you were wondering, I arrived 9 minutes late, just as the opening prayer for volunteers was wrapping up. It’s all good.

It may seem like such a minute thing in the grand scheme of things, but it’s truly not. How I spend my free time, what I spend my money on, the daily decisions that I make – when you add up these little things, you will see the sum of my life. And I don’t want to look at Jesus at the end of my life and regret that I didn’t offer to Him all that I was and all I had while I was still alive.

His purposes over my preferences.

I want to show Him that I love Him with with every decision that I make.
I want to show Him that I love Him with every no and every yes.
I want to show Him that I love Him with my surrender and obedience.

If I can show Him that I love Him by keeping my commitments and serving His people, then I will keep doing that too. Anything that pleases Him and gives Him glory is not a small thing.

The little things you offer God are a big deal to Him.

He saved me, I already know I’m undoubtedly His. I need to know that I am unconditionally, abandonedly His as well.

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