All of March was a whirlwind, and it seemed like God had a plot twist for every week. I wanted to sit down and write about the experience, but this was quickly overshadowed by everything that happened in April. I couldn’t find the time to chronicle everything properly, so I decided just to write what…
Read MoreThe Truth in a World of Misinformation
Over the past months, I have watched my Facebook Newsfeed become a stockpile of partisan commentaries. It was rather interesting, albeit stressful, to see people repeatedly citing fake news to back up their claims. Well-meaning, fact-checking accounts come out now and then to set the record straight, but if I’m being honest, I still take…
Read MoreConquering Church Trauma: An Unearthing and Unraveling
A blog post written by the daughter of respected church leaders has circulated the social media airwaves over the past few days. In it, she chronicled the judgment, gaslighting, and disrespect she experienced while volunteering for a particular church branch. It sparked a conversation, and hundreds of others went on to speak up about how…
Read MoreArchives: July 1 and Church Gossip
“Keep them at a distance, seal the heart awayso that people won’t always have something to say.” This is the declaration of the gossiped, the wronged, and the mistaken;the unwitting casualties caught in the crossfires of scrutiny. The accusers say it’s discernment when it’s really just judgement;they say it’s concern when it’s actually control.The whispers…
Read MoreMusings on Certain Realities
Hey there. It’s been a while. For months, I thought about sitting down and documenting some of the thoughts that have occurred to me during these rather tumultuous times, but I must confess that as a master’s student required to submit numerous research papers and as a writer being paid to churn out 40,000-50,000 words…
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What Would Happen if You Knew?
I hope you know what it’s like to hold the hand of a homeless child in Tondo,walk through make-shift living spaces and past people crammed on the streetsto teach kids who can’t even afford to go to public school,because they’re either orphaned or their parents are poor; flood waters swirl underneath your feet and your…
Read MoreChristians in the Time of COVID-19
There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven— A time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to…
Read MoreThoughts on Kobe, Life, and Legacy
The last time I watched basketball was around 2011 and I only watched the finals because the guy I was dating then was a huge fan. So when news of Kobe Bryant’s passing started streaming through the airwaves, the deep emotion and pain that kicked me in the gut was unforeseen. I hold no opinion about…
Read MoreNotes on Thanksgiving: Hallelujah Nonetheless
“Hallelujah.” I feel the word rise to my lips from deep in my belly before I could even think twice. I pause. I say it again. “Hallelujah.” This time, I trace each syllable carefully with my voice, remembering its roots. I heard it once from a teaching and have never quite said it the same…
Read MoreThe Dissonance of Abortion and Women’s Rights
My dad sent me a download link to a movie yesterday morning. Gosnell: America’s Greatest Serial Killer The title had me horrified at first, until he went on to tell me that I should watch the movie because it tackled one of the things I advocated for. Confused, I went on Google to look it…
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