A lot can change in a day. I’ve always known it to be a fact, but the past year proved it in greater measure. And there have been 350 days between my last post here and today, so I have much catching up to do. 2022 saw me moving churches and cities, rekindling old relationships,…
Read MoreLife in Paragraphs: An Anthology of The Past Month
All of March was a whirlwind, and it seemed like God had a plot twist for every week. I wanted to sit down and write about the experience, but this was quickly overshadowed by everything that happened in April. I couldn’t find the time to chronicle everything properly, so I decided just to write what…
Read MoreConquering Church Trauma: An Unearthing and Unraveling
A blog post written by the daughter of respected church leaders has circulated the social media airwaves over the past few days. In it, she chronicled the judgment, gaslighting, and disrespect she experienced while volunteering for a particular church branch. It sparked a conversation, and hundreds of others went on to speak up about how…
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Notes on Thanksgiving: Excerpts from the Japan Travel Diary (Part 2)
“Aren’t we going to go down yet? I’m excited to take photos!” I was staring out the window, admiring the rows of changing autumn trees when Cathy asked the question. I took a quick glance at the map and told her that our stop wouldn’t be for another 20 minutes. We’ve already been inside the…
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Notes on Thanksgiving: Excerpts from the Japan Travel Diary
Christmas lights. Cool cider breeze. Ramen. Shoji and fancy wood. Crimson leaves. With a soft smile and a deep exhale, I lean back against the shinkansen chair and mentally list down the things I was grateful for. It really wasn’t that difficult when everything was going great. My favorite travel destination during my favorite season…
Read MoreTransitions and Seasons
So I move yet again. And as much as the thought of building from the ground up unnerves me, I understand that faithfulness is not just doing what the Lord has called me to; it is also knowing just until when He has called me to it. It is also faithfulness to stop, to leave and to start anew.
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23 Things I Learned on My 23rd Year
“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.” The iconic Taylor Swift song was released when I was 16. From that time on, I spent every year looking forward to the day I turned 22, just so I can finally claim the song. *not even kidding* Since I spent so much time looking forward…
Read MoreFinding Rest in the Christmas Rush
How ironic is it that I’m missing out on sweet time with my Jesus because of the frivolities that come with Christmas, frivolities that are supposed to be all about celebrating Him in the first place?
Read MoreLoving Him in the Little Things
Rolling over my bed, I groggily opened my eyes and grabbed my phone from the side-table to check the time. “7:15 am” I jolted up and out of that mattress in record time. Nothing wakes me up like the realization that I’m running late. By 8 am, I was supposed to be in a community…
Read MoreThe 2018 New Year Post
Prayer and fasting week just ended yesterday and I was pondering on how God answered all my prayers from the previous year – and how, in a sense, He didn’t. My ultimate prayer has always been that His will be done in my life, followed by bullet points of specific wants and requests that I…
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