All of March was a whirlwind, and it seemed like God had a plot twist for every week. I wanted to sit down and write about the experience, but this was quickly overshadowed by everything that happened in April. I couldn’t find the time to chronicle everything properly, so I decided just to write what…
Read MoreThe Truth in a World of Misinformation
Over the past months, I have watched my Facebook Newsfeed become a stockpile of partisan commentaries. It was rather interesting, albeit stressful, to see people repeatedly citing fake news to back up their claims. Well-meaning, fact-checking accounts come out now and then to set the record straight, but if I’m being honest, I still take…
Read MoreMusings on Certain Realities
Hey there. It’s been a while. For months, I thought about sitting down and documenting some of the thoughts that have occurred to me during these rather tumultuous times, but I must confess that as a master’s student required to submit numerous research papers and as a writer being paid to churn out 40,000-50,000 words…
Read MoreChristians in the Time of COVID-19
There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven— A time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to…
Read MoreThoughts on Kobe, Life, and Legacy
The last time I watched basketball was around 2011 and I only watched the finals because the guy I was dating then was a huge fan. So when news of Kobe Bryant’s passing started streaming through the airwaves, the deep emotion and pain that kicked me in the gut was unforeseen. I hold no opinion about…
Read MoreGod’s Goal Isn’t to Make You Happy
There are several one-liners I like to keep putting out there, one of which is “God cares more about making you holy than making you happy.” Flashback to the famous A Walk to Remember movie where Mandy Moore was at a crossroads and when asked what God wanted for her, all she said was “I…
Read MoreStuck in the Wilderness on the Way to the Promised Land
Around and around and around they went. They weren’t riding on a carousel, but they sure were stuck in a limbo. I can see it in my head: the Israelites who were taken out of Egypt refused to allow God to take Egypt out of their hearts and so a journey that was supposed to…
Read MoreFight for Your Heart
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 4:23 This verse has been preached a thousand times in a thousand different ways. But such are the joys of the Bible being living and active – there’s always something new to get from it every time. Allow me to…
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We live in a fairytale world of wonder and tragedy, where darkness is pitted against starlight and battles between good and evil happen everyday. Every day is a fight between love and hate, joy and despair, life and death. Every day is a fight to hope. Yet for all the twists and turns, for all…
Read MoreBreak.
"It's okay. Break. It's okay to break. It's okay to be broken." How many times do we have to tell ourselves that our brokenness is forgivable? This, this is one of the greatest things He has taught me. That we can be undone, and it's completely okay. Some pain could be self-inflicted. Some pain could…
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