A blog post written by the daughter of respected church leaders has circulated the social media airwaves over the past few days. In it, she chronicled the judgment, gaslighting, and disrespect she experienced while volunteering for a particular church branch. It sparked a conversation, and hundreds of others went on to speak up about how…
Read MoreArchives: July 1 and Church Gossip
“Keep them at a distance, seal the heart awayso that people won’t always have something to say.” This is the declaration of the gossiped, the wronged, and the mistaken;the unwitting casualties caught in the crossfires of scrutiny. The accusers say it’s discernment when it’s really just judgement;they say it’s concern when it’s actually control.The whispers…
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What Would Happen if You Knew?
I hope you know what it’s like to hold the hand of a homeless child in Tondo,walk through make-shift living spaces and past people crammed on the streetsto teach kids who can’t even afford to go to public school,because they’re either orphaned or their parents are poor; flood waters swirl underneath your feet and your…
Read MoreYou Deserve More Than Secondhand Love
To be honest, from the moment this blog blew up back in 2015, this has been one of the things I have always wanted to say. This was something I constantly expressed to my friends, but somehow had a difficult time putting it into words considering how ironic it would be to come from someone…
Read More#ChristianGoals: Be Magical
Magic (n.) \’ma-jik\
:an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source.(Merriam-Webster)
How To Be A Pharisee
“How immature, that’s definitely not Christ-like.” The words run through my head as I watch people lose all sense of Spirit as they get mad, yell, and be irresponsible. “How judgmental, that’s definitely not Christ-like”, the silent whisper in my heart answers back so quickly that I bow my head in repentance and shame. Considering…
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Dear Reader: Stop Copying My Convictions
Hello, my dearest reader. I mean this in the kindest way possible. As you read through this, don’t hear my voice in your head as someone mad or annoyed. Hear the sincerity and the heartfelt concern. As much as I am immensely grateful that you hold my convictions admirable enough to imitate, I must say…
Read MoreWhy Ministry Will Never Be Enough
This one goes out to those so busy doing things in the Kingdom that they no longer have time for the King. I was 16 when I became part of the Music Ministry Core Team in my local church. I was the youngest and probably one of the most active. At the same time, I…
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Confessions Of A Practicing Christian
I am flawed, so very flawed. When confronted with the holiness of God, all I can do is tremble and be struck by how stark we are in contrast. Even as a Christian who truly loves God, I still struggle with sin every so often. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I battle with…
Read MoreObedient When It’s Convenient
“The most astounding thing about Jesus is that He is brutally honest about His feelings yet absolutely submitted to the will of God.” -Timothy Keller My closest friends and family know that one topic I’ve always felt so strongly about is Lordship, to the point that I recently got into a fairly heated discussion with…
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