"It's okay. Break. It's okay to break. It's okay to be broken." How many times do we have to tell ourselves that our brokenness is forgivable? This, this is one of the greatest things He has taught me. That we can be undone, and it's completely okay. Some pain could be self-inflicted. Some pain could…
Read MoreDear Future Daughter: “Am I Pretty?”
I can already picture it. You at 3, in your favorite white dress all sparkly and poofy, coming up to me with eyes wide open with curiosity. A flick of hair here, a twirl there, and your heart begging to be delighted in. "Mommy, mommy, am I pretty?" I'm going to look you straight in…
Read MoreBeloved, Let Him Go
Just a little confession: I am in no way an expert at this. I have loved and I have lost and I have spent months and years in an emotional limbo, hopelessly stuck in a place I don’t even think I want to move on from because it’s the only place I can still find…
Read MoreBro, Don’t Me.
Based on a thousand true stories of malilinaw na malabong usapan, though not one of them mine. Rather, these are the collective thoughts of males and females alike who are close to me and have been in such circumstances before. Let’s make it clear before this gets too far. Like a puppet-master with a string,…
Read MoreThis Is Who You Are
Take a long look in the mirror right now and tell me what you see. Hips too thin, waist too fat, arms too flabby. Look closer. Tell me what you see. Eyes too far apart, nose too flat, acne scars too deep. Closer. Look deeper. Don’t you see what I see? There, right there, swimming…
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Dear Student: What To Do When You Like Someone
Speaking from years of trial and error.
Read MoreDear Mr. Right: I Can’t Love You That Way Anymore
I’m done.
Read MoreA Lover, Not A Sugar Daddy
I still remember the day I first saw you. Immediately, you were etched into My heart. It was love at first sight and since then, I adored you with all My might. I’m sure, being in a relationship with Me is not all you pictured it to be. Because you knew I treasured you so…
Read MoreDear Millenials: How Do You Love?
Dear Generation Y, Hear me out. In this world of modernization, we claim to know love by insisting on “marriage equality” all the while pushing for divorce and pre-nuptial agreements. We stay in a relationship until someone more interesting comes along. We think that sex before marriage is completely normal because, hello, we have to…
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Dear Reader: Stop Copying My Convictions
Hello, my dearest reader. I mean this in the kindest way possible. As you read through this, don’t hear my voice in your head as someone mad or annoyed. Hear the sincerity and the heartfelt concern. As much as I am immensely grateful that you hold my convictions admirable enough to imitate, I must say…
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