Practicing homosexuality is a sin.

I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again. Manny said it too (with regards to same-sex marriage), and it’s gaining coverage with more and more people taking a stand about it. He could have said it so much better, and he fell short there, but it doesn’t change the truth that sin actually disgusts God.

Now here’s the thing. So many people are speaking out on social media, defending Manny, standing by the truth – and that’s wonderful. But we should never forget that practicing homosexuality is just as much of a sin as lying is. Yes, it may have greater repercussions and implications and there will be greater consequences, but in the eyes of a holy God, it’s just as equally horrendous. So here’s the truth: we were just as lost as the homosexuals currently are – we were no “better” sinners.

I know Christians who laughingly say “I repented already” before pirating a movie. I know ones who cheat and lie so naturally; ones who dishonor their parents; ones who are caught up in pride, bitterness, unforgiveness, and self-righteousness. But guess what? Those are all equally sins – all equally hated by God. And in the same way that people refuse to sway about the truth on homosexuality, I hope we also stop tolerating all these other things. 

“For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”
-James‬ ‭2:10, 12-13‬ ‭

Now, I would never defend homosexual acts. And to the ones out there saying that homosexuality is seen in animals and God created animals that way, please take time to look at the Bible and see that the first time God stated that He made them “male and female” was when He created man – He never actually said He made them “male and female” when He created the animals. That’s the truth. Homosexuality isn’t of God. 

But it doesn’t mean I can’t be compassionate about it. Because these people are just as lost as I was before. I would never downplay the magnitude of the sin, but may we remember that answering back at our parents, cheating off our seatmates, refusing to obey what God told us to do, and choosing not to forgive a person is just as wrong. May we learn to have just as much distaste for the “little” sins as we do for the ones paid more attention to by mainstream media.

In light of eternity, the “levels” of sin do not matter. In the sight of a holy God, no sin is “holier” than the other. Don’t get so driven by truth that you fail to love, and don’t get so caught up in trying not to offend that you lose the truth. So when we correct, always keep this in mind: is it full of truth? And is it full of grace? 

“(They) said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?… When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 

‭‭-John‬ ‭8:4-5, 7

Now please don’t mistake this as justification for sinning because sin can never be justified. One doesn’t defend his sin by stating how sinful others can be also. In every area of our lives, may we simply live in light of God’s holiness, not of other people.

“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.””
‭‭-1 Peter‬ ‭1:14-16‬

64 replies on “My Issue About The Manny Pacquiao-Homosexuality Issue

  1. My thoughts exactly. I am as broken and needing of God’s grace and mercy as the next man is.

    To truly love is to reflect all that Jesus is because He is love. (1 John 4)

  2. My thoughts exactly. I am as broken and needing of God’s grace and mercy as the next man is.

    To truly love is to reflect all that Jesus is because He is love. (1 John 4)

  3. Beautifully said and expressed under the guidance and wisdom of God. Continue to be bold about the truth of the Scripture and Love others like how Christ Loves us. God bless you!

  4. Beautifully said and expressed under the guidance and wisdom of God. Continue to be bold about the truth of the Scripture and Love others like how Christ Loves us. God bless you!

  5. Very well said! I remember the time I got saved. It was not because I was condemned of my sins nor was it because I was told I will go to hell. I decided to have a relationship with God because I saw His great love for me!

    Why don’t we disciple & share of God’s love than magnify sin? If we believe that Jesus is the only answer to this hurting world, then why are we taking them far away instead of bringing them closer?:(

  6. Very well said! I remember the time I got saved. It was not because I was condemned of my sins nor was it because I was told I will go to hell. I decided to have a relationship with God because I saw His great love for me!

    Why don’t we disciple & share of God’s love than magnify sin? If we believe that Jesus is the only answer to this hurting world, then why are we taking them far away instead of bringing them closer?:(

  7. Graciously said. You were so bold on talking about it but with heart and in so humane manner.
    One should know how to use proper ” language” for you to be able to get the thumbs up and trust of the people listening to you wether u are favoring them or not. I admire your Christian manner of delivering your thoughts on this issue. GOD bless u ♡

  8. Graciously said. You were so bold on talking about it but with heart and in so humane manner.
    One should know how to use proper ” language” for you to be able to get the thumbs up and trust of the people listening to you wether u are favoring them or not. I admire your Christian manner of delivering your thoughts on this issue. GOD bless u ♡

  9. I am deeply disappointed in your approach to the issue of Manny Pacquiao and his views towards homosexuality. You just basically just tried sugarcoated Manny’s statements but made it much worse.

    Gearing toward your statements, there are a lot of things to ponder about. First of all is the equality in all forms of sin. Yes, a sin is a sin but making all sins equal is making repentance lose its value. Think of situations that are in the extremes, such as making a white lie and murdering someone. If they are equally sinful, then I guess most kids would burn at the same amount of flame as murderers. The second statement is about homosexuals being a sin in itself as what is told in the bible. I know that there are numerous accounts about homosexuals being abominations and that one should follow what is described in adam and eve, basically man and woman. But the Bible is not a book by God, but a book made by followers of God. There is a big difference here because what God says is what he says, but the bible is not what God says, but rather an interpretation of what God says according to those who listened to him. With this, it is safe to assume that there would be different interpretations of what they heard from God, with the 4 gospels being a solid proof. And through the years, the original interpretations are then edited, translated, and injected with more interpretations as it is passed down from a follower to a follower of the follower. Are you seeing the point that the bible should not be taken literal to what it is said but rather as an idea on how to think upon it and compare it to the other verses from the bible. That is why homosexuality being a sin should be taken with a grain of salt because if it were to be taken literally, then I know for a fact that there is a verse that says it is sinful to wear other kind of fabrics and a man with multiple wives is not sinful. Do you actually think the story of adam and eve really happened? Finally, on your last point, no sin is holier than the other because no sin is holy in the first place. How one repents for it and lives by the consequences of the sin is how one is judged.

    What you want is people to be frank about themselves and to others as that is what God wanted. Yet I believe what God wants is for everyone to love one another which you are clearly avoiding. So basically, like a murderer, you’ll burn in hell. 🙂

    1. A. Yes, I am basically saying that all who have fallen short of His glory in any way will “burn at the same amount of flame.”

      B. God’s word can explain and defend itself. 🙂

      C. I won’t, because His grace is sufficient. I believe that as I walk in light of this grace given me and submit to His Lordship, I have been saved. (Matthew 16:24, John 3:16, Luke 6:46-49, Ephesians 2:1-6). I hope that as we acknowledge that He is love, we acknowledge that He is also holy and just. May we not forget that love does not delight in evil, but it rejoices with the truth. 🙂

      God Bless you, Randy, and I hope to see you in heaven. 🙂

    2. No point in arguing with a religious idiot, Randy. You present them with facts, they choose to be ignorant and hold on to their beliefs, no matter how wrong they are because a flawed, distorted book written by men said so. :))

  10. I am deeply disappointed in your approach to the issue of Manny Pacquiao and his views towards homosexuality. You just basically just tried sugarcoated Manny’s statements but made it much worse.

    Gearing toward your statements, there are a lot of things to ponder about. First of all is the equality in all forms of sin. Yes, a sin is a sin but making all sins equal is making repentance lose its value. Think of situations that are in the extremes, such as making a white lie and murdering someone. If they are equally sinful, then I guess most kids would burn at the same amount of flame as murderers. The second statement is about homosexuals being a sin in itself as what is told in the bible. I know that there are numerous accounts about homosexuals being abominations and that one should follow what is described in adam and eve, basically man and woman. But the Bible is not a book by God, but a book made by followers of God. There is a big difference here because what God says is what he says, but the bible is not what God says, but rather an interpretation of what God says according to those who listened to him. With this, it is safe to assume that there would be different interpretations of what they heard from God, with the 4 gospels being a solid proof. And through the years, the original interpretations are then edited, translated, and injected with more interpretations as it is passed down from a follower to a follower of the follower. Are you seeing the point that the bible should not be taken literal to what it is said but rather as an idea on how to think upon it and compare it to the other verses from the bible. That is why homosexuality being a sin should be taken with a grain of salt because if it were to be taken literally, then I know for a fact that there is a verse that says it is sinful to wear other kind of fabrics and a man with multiple wives is not sinful. Do you actually think the story of adam and eve really happened? Finally, on your last point, no sin is holier than the other because no sin is holy in the first place. How one repents for it and lives by the consequences of the sin is how one is judged.

    What you want is people to be frank about themselves and to others as that is what God wanted. Yet I believe what God wants is for everyone to love one another which you are clearly avoiding. So basically, like a murderer, you’ll burn in hell. 🙂

    1. A. Yes, I am basically saying that all who have fallen short of His glory in any way will “burn at the same amount of flame.”

      B. God’s word can explain and defend itself. 🙂

      C. I won’t, because His grace is sufficient. I believe that as I walk in light of this grace given me and submit to His Lordship, I have been saved. (Matthew 16:24, John 3:16, Luke 6:46-49, Ephesians 2:1-6). I hope that as we acknowledge that He is love, we acknowledge that He is also holy and just. May we not forget that love does not delight in evil, but it rejoices with the truth. 🙂

      God Bless you, Randy, and I hope to see you in heaven. 🙂

    2. No point in arguing with a religious idiot, Randy. You present them with facts, they choose to be ignorant and hold on to their beliefs, no matter how wrong they are because a flawed, distorted book written by men said so. :))

  11. So God created all of us to be sinners. It is his plan. So we shouldnt blame each other. It is how we are made to live life.

    1. Oh no. Like I said at the last bit, may we all learn to be distasteful of all kinds of sin; may we live in light of His holiness. If we are confronted by His holiness, will we not repent and be drawn to live in a manner that is worthy of Him? 🙂

  12. So God created all of us to be sinners. It is his plan. So we shouldnt blame each other. It is how we are made to live life.

    1. Oh no. Like I said at the last bit, may we all learn to be distasteful of all kinds of sin; may we live in light of His holiness. If we are confronted by His holiness, will we not repent and be drawn to live in a manner that is worthy of Him? 🙂

  13. Yes, I agree that we should magnify the saving grace of Christ, and not the sin.

    But you forgot to mention here about the concept of sin vs living in sin? The problem with being openly gay is it means that they don’t acknowledge it as a sin against God, and thus, continue doing homosexual acts. If a “Christian” is a serial liar, or adulterer, then yes, they are just as bad. But if a Christian recognizes those as sins and don’t please God, and he asks His forgiveness and cleansing, and actually avoid sinning again and pray to completely free him from these chains, then they’re not the same. In that sense, I won’t agree that we are not “as lost” as non-believers.

    1. Disregard my first reply. I didn’t understand your statement correctly. 🙂

      Personally, I don’t believe one can accept Christ and have the Holy Spirit living inside of him and not be changed. 🙂

      Also, I don’t believe we are just as lost. As said in Colossians 3:3, 5 “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.” Once we die to ourselves and take up our crosses, we are no longer “just as lost.” 🙂

  14. Yes, I agree that we should magnify the saving grace of Christ, and not the sin.

    But you forgot to mention here about the concept of sin vs living in sin? The problem with being openly gay is it means that they don’t acknowledge it as a sin against God, and thus, continue doing homosexual acts. If a “Christian” is a serial liar, or adulterer, then yes, they are just as bad. But if a Christian recognizes those as sins and don’t please God, and he asks His forgiveness and cleansing, and actually avoid sinning again and pray to completely free him from these chains, then they’re not the same. In that sense, I won’t agree that we are not “as lost” as non-believers.

    1. Disregard my first reply. I didn’t understand your statement correctly. 🙂

      Personally, I don’t believe one can accept Christ and have the Holy Spirit living inside of him and not be changed. 🙂

      Also, I don’t believe we are just as lost. As said in Colossians 3:3, 5 “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.” Once we die to ourselves and take up our crosses, we are no longer “just as lost.” 🙂

  15. This is besides the point of your article but this is something I need to say.

    I’m sorry but HUMANS WROTE that God created male and female. It is NOT a fact. It is disputable.

    If we’re going to be strict to this book that has thousands of versions, the Christian Bible also explicitly says that men are NOT allowed to talk to women when they are on their periods. It is a sin to do so because on that time of the month, women are dirty creatures. It’s right next to where it is written that homosexuality is a sin. Do we still consider that act to be sinful? NO. And I hope you don’t too.

    Claiming homosexuality to be a sin is the same kind of logic used by Jews when they say that it is sinful to work on the Sabath day. I mean God rested on the 7th day and you should too, right?

    In the same reason that no neighbor is hurt when you talk to a woman in all her dirtiness, no one is hurt with other people’s sexuality. Leave them alone. Don’t say things like you are compassionate with them. They don’t need it.

    In the same reason that we eat pork even though this is a sin in other religions, we should NOT IMPOSE our beliefs on others.

    In the same reason that the pharisees were criticized by Jesus, let us stop being hypocrites. Let us stop being blind followers, parroting whatever the Church says.

  16. This is besides the point of your article but this is something I need to say.

    I’m sorry but HUMANS WROTE that God created male and female. It is NOT a fact. It is disputable.

    If we’re going to be strict to this book that has thousands of versions, the Christian Bible also explicitly says that men are NOT allowed to talk to women when they are on their periods. It is a sin to do so because on that time of the month, women are dirty creatures. It’s right next to where it is written that homosexuality is a sin. Do we still consider that act to be sinful? NO. And I hope you don’t too.

    Claiming homosexuality to be a sin is the same kind of logic used by Jews when they say that it is sinful to work on the Sabath day. I mean God rested on the 7th day and you should too, right?

    In the same reason that no neighbor is hurt when you talk to a woman in all her dirtiness, no one is hurt with other people’s sexuality. Leave them alone. Don’t say things like you are compassionate with them. They don’t need it.

    In the same reason that we eat pork even though this is a sin in other religions, we should NOT IMPOSE our beliefs on others.

    In the same reason that the pharisees were criticized by Jesus, let us stop being hypocrites. Let us stop being blind followers, parroting whatever the Church says.

  17. Do you know that homosexuals exist before Christ came, and before the bible was conceived? Do you know that a roman emperor supported the conceptualization of the bible because of his political agenda, and one of that is to steal the right to equality among men? Greeks and Romans well-acknowledged the fact that sexuality is not limited to two. Now, there’s a premise in the bible that we are all made in the image and likeness of God, as the bible says. Homosexuals exist and nevertheless considered to be humans, so they are also made in the same image and likeness; however people are considering them “mistakes”…so is it right to say that you agree on the premise that God makes mistakes? Dear, I think you shouldn’t take the bible literally and answer logical queries with bible verses. The practices in the era of Christ may not be applicable now, the times have changed. Whatever there is in the bible is a written history and a collective truth to educate people that no one is ever rightful to judge anybody but GOD HIMSELF. We are not gods, and writing a blog about your issue is like putting words on God’s mouth. And please stop saying that homosexuals are lost, you haven’t been in their shoes for you to give such conclusion.

  18. Do you know that homosexuals exist before Christ came, and before the bible was conceived? Do you know that a roman emperor supported the conceptualization of the bible because of his political agenda, and one of that is to steal the right to equality among men? Greeks and Romans well-acknowledged the fact that sexuality is not limited to two. Now, there’s a premise in the bible that we are all made in the image and likeness of God, as the bible says. Homosexuals exist and nevertheless considered to be humans, so they are also made in the same image and likeness; however people are considering them “mistakes”…so is it right to say that you agree on the premise that God makes mistakes? Dear, I think you shouldn’t take the bible literally and answer logical queries with bible verses. The practices in the era of Christ may not be applicable now, the times have changed. Whatever there is in the bible is a written history and a collective truth to educate people that no one is ever rightful to judge anybody but GOD HIMSELF. We are not gods, and writing a blog about your issue is like putting words on God’s mouth. And please stop saying that homosexuals are lost, you haven’t been in their shoes for you to give such conclusion.

  19. By “lost,” it seems the author simply means all of us, gay or not, fall into sin. All of us are humans and thus, are fallible. Let’s not get caught with the specifics. This post in its entirety calls all of us, especially those who are Christian, to exercise acceptance and love without judgement.

  20. By “lost,” it seems the author simply means all of us, gay or not, fall into sin. All of us are humans and thus, are fallible. Let’s not get caught with the specifics. This post in its entirety calls all of us, especially those who are Christian, to exercise acceptance and love without judgement.

  21. We are not lost because we have the Bible the word of God to guide us, and God gave his Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to washed away our sins, if you don’t read the Bible then you are definitely lost. But to tell them frankly all Catholics never read the Bible,they don’t bring them to church,the priest never teaches them the scripture. correct me if i am wrong.

    1. We, people who have a personal relationship with God, are no longer lost. However, as I stated, we “were” just as lost as people who currently have no relationship with God are. Reading the Bible is well and good, but I believe you also have to live by the Word and under His Lordship for faith without action is dead. As someone who grew up in Sunday School and in a Christian family where we discuss and memorize scripture, I must say that it didn’t matter how much I knew when I didn’t have personal intimacy with Him anyway. So even then when I read the Bible, I could say that I was lost because God wasn’t really in my heart – He was only in my head.

      Additionally, I am not one to speak for Catholics for I have never been one my entire life. 🙂

  22. We are not lost because we have the Bible the word of God to guide us, and God gave his Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to washed away our sins, if you don’t read the Bible then you are definitely lost. But to tell them frankly all Catholics never read the Bible,they don’t bring them to church,the priest never teaches them the scripture. correct me if i am wrong.

    1. We, people who have a personal relationship with God, are no longer lost. However, as I stated, we “were” just as lost as people who currently have no relationship with God are. Reading the Bible is well and good, but I believe you also have to live by the Word and under His Lordship for faith without action is dead. As someone who grew up in Sunday School and in a Christian family where we discuss and memorize scripture, I must say that it didn’t matter how much I knew when I didn’t have personal intimacy with Him anyway. So even then when I read the Bible, I could say that I was lost because God wasn’t really in my heart – He was only in my head.

      Additionally, I am not one to speak for Catholics for I have never been one my entire life. 🙂

  23. Such a wonderful post. Kinda disappointed that some didn’t understand what you were really pointing out. Nobody is righteous before God but He loves us. He accepts us for who we are but sadly, we can’t accept Him for who He is.

    1. Hello, Eris! Thank you. I feel the same way. At first, I was overwhelmed by the influx of people who twisted my words. I guess that’s what happens when people already have their own biases and assumptions even before they click on the link. 😉

      And I couldn’t agree more with your last sentence. God is love and grace as He is holy and just. Sadly, most people only want what they want. I’m grateful for people like you who understand that. ❤️

      1. It’s breaks my heart that most people think that we are so against homosexuals. I can’t believe that people actually believe that us, Christians, think that homosexuals are so beneath us. Yes, we believe that homosexuality is a sin but you said it in your post that it’s not the only sin in the world. If they think that we are condemning them, then that would only mean that we’re condemning ourselves, too. Because the truth is, we are all sinners. We all need His grace and His forgiveness.

        Off topic: Thank you for replying and keep on blogging. God has spoken to me a lot of times through your posts. You’re a very talented writer! I speak blessings upon blessings upon your life! 🙂

  24. Such a wonderful post. Kinda disappointed that some didn’t understand what you were really pointing out. Nobody is righteous before God but He loves us. He accepts us for who we are but sadly, we can’t accept Him for who He is.

    1. Hello, Eris! Thank you. I feel the same way. At first, I was overwhelmed by the influx of people who twisted my words. I guess that’s what happens when people already have their own biases and assumptions even before they click on the link. 😉

      And I couldn’t agree more with your last sentence. God is love and grace as He is holy and just. Sadly, most people only want what they want. I’m grateful for people like you who understand that. ❤️

      1. It’s breaks my heart that most people think that we are so against homosexuals. I can’t believe that people actually believe that us, Christians, think that homosexuals are so beneath us. Yes, we believe that homosexuality is a sin but you said it in your post that it’s not the only sin in the world. If they think that we are condemning them, then that would only mean that we’re condemning ourselves, too. Because the truth is, we are all sinners. We all need His grace and His forgiveness.

        Off topic: Thank you for replying and keep on blogging. God has spoken to me a lot of times through your posts. You’re a very talented writer! I speak blessings upon blessings upon your life! 🙂

  25. This post is stupid. You’re trying to justify hating on gays with religion and God.

    What is sin? Sin is committing something immoral in the eyes of DIVINE LAW.
    So yes, homosexuality may be a sin.

    But what about OUR morality? Are homosexuals not people? Are they not equal to us? Do they not have feelings? Who are we to judge them?

    Now I’ve never read the whole bible or anything, but I’m pretty sure God told everyone to love each other and forgive each other.

    You say people who don’t follow every single divine law is an asshole. Well you know what? I think people who try to impose their beliefs onto other people are the real assholes.

    1. And your interpretation is the exact opposite of what I was saying. Why not try reading it again before jumping to conclusions? 😉

      Also, that very last statement is ironic, for are you not trying to impose your belief on me by using such words? 🙂

  26. This post is stupid. You’re trying to justify hating on gays with religion and God.

    What is sin? Sin is committing something immoral in the eyes of DIVINE LAW.
    So yes, homosexuality may be a sin.

    But what about OUR morality? Are homosexuals not people? Are they not equal to us? Do they not have feelings? Who are we to judge them?

    Now I’ve never read the whole bible or anything, but I’m pretty sure God told everyone to love each other and forgive each other.

    You say people who don’t follow every single divine law is an asshole. Well you know what? I think people who try to impose their beliefs onto other people are the real assholes.

    1. And your interpretation is the exact opposite of what I was saying. Why not try reading it again before jumping to conclusions? 😉

      Also, that very last statement is ironic, for are you not trying to impose your belief on me by using such words? 🙂

  27. Its sad to know that even the bible is being questioned by them just because its content hurts them. We are all guilty and sinful but we must believe that with the love and grace of the Lord we will be save. Continue to spread the word of God. God bless you.

  28. Its sad to know that even the bible is being questioned by them just because its content hurts them. We are all guilty and sinful but we must believe that with the love and grace of the Lord we will be save. Continue to spread the word of God. God bless you.

  29. Thank you for that wonderful reminder that we ourselves were once lost just like the homosexuals are, but thank the Lord that we are now found. Thank you for pointing out the truth in love and for not wavering despite the many who try to find mistakes in your statements. God is awestruck and mighty for raising Christian warriors like you 🙂
    I hope to hear more from you! Never cease in prayer and in passion to build a stronger relationship with God! Let us not forget the mission God has given us while we remain in this temporal world!

  30. Thank you for that wonderful reminder that we ourselves were once lost just like the homosexuals are, but thank the Lord that we are now found. Thank you for pointing out the truth in love and for not wavering despite the many who try to find mistakes in your statements. God is awestruck and mighty for raising Christian warriors like you 🙂
    I hope to hear more from you! Never cease in prayer and in passion to build a stronger relationship with God! Let us not forget the mission God has given us while we remain in this temporal world!

  31. Dear Jade,

    Thank you for bringing this to light. This echoes my own belief. I think a lot of people are confused and think that hating the sin, means hating the sinner. Likewise, people wrongly pre-suppose that if you hate the sin (whether it be homosexuality, lying, corruption, murder, gossip, pride….), it means you cannot love the sinner. Therefore they conclude that this is sowing divisions, and that there is an irony in this whole “hate the sin, but love the sinner” command. Because if that was indeed the case, the command “love one another as I have loved you” cannot happen, because we are ALL sinners.

    Jesus life explains what He means by hate the sin, love the sinner. Yes, we ALL (no exception) , have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, yet while we were still sinners, Christ loved us. While we were still sinners He died for us. There are so many stories in the bible of Jesus showing love and mercy to sinners while hating sin: dining with abusive tax collectors, saving the adulterous woman from being stoned to death, washing of the apostles’ feet even when He knew some would deny and betray Him, his promise of paradise to the thief on the cross and his utterance of “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” in his dying breath . Part of loving is is telling your loved ones the Truth, including the consequences of our sin. Telling the truth, out of love, even if people will hate you, reject, and even hurt you for it. Isn’t this what Jesus life was all about? Didn’t He end up in the cross for this TRUTH?

    In all these cases, in the lives of sinners (which I repeat, we all are!) , Jesus offered love, by offering the Truth (bringing to light, their sin), asking us to repent , offering forgiveness…..and ultimately , offering a new life here on earth and eternal life with Him. The Truth shall set us free.

    So yes, Jesus shows how you love the sinner, and yet can hate the sin In fact, it is but logical that if you love the person, you hate the sin that binds Him to be the person God designed Him to be. And yes, we are called to love others, as He has loved us. It involves, kindness, gentleness, patience, self sacrifice , and it also includes sharing the Truth, from His Word, and from how we have experienced God’s love, forgiveness, mercy and grace in our lives.

    We are called to love, share the good news about Jesus but the outcome in people’s lives is up to Him. In the end, each one chooses to believe or not, to obey or not….we are free to choose now, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our choice.

    And so while there is still time, let us share love, by sharing the truth and hope and pray for the best for each one.

    Carry on , sister!

  32. Dear Jade,

    Thank you for bringing this to light. This echoes my own belief. I think a lot of people are confused and think that hating the sin, means hating the sinner. Likewise, people wrongly pre-suppose that if you hate the sin (whether it be homosexuality, lying, corruption, murder, gossip, pride….), it means you cannot love the sinner. Therefore they conclude that this is sowing divisions, and that there is an irony in this whole “hate the sin, but love the sinner” command. Because if that was indeed the case, the command “love one another as I have loved you” cannot happen, because we are ALL sinners.

    Jesus life explains what He means by hate the sin, love the sinner. Yes, we ALL (no exception) , have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, yet while we were still sinners, Christ loved us. While we were still sinners He died for us. There are so many stories in the bible of Jesus showing love and mercy to sinners while hating sin: dining with abusive tax collectors, saving the adulterous woman from being stoned to death, washing of the apostles’ feet even when He knew some would deny and betray Him, his promise of paradise to the thief on the cross and his utterance of “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” in his dying breath . Part of loving is is telling your loved ones the Truth, including the consequences of our sin. Telling the truth, out of love, even if people will hate you, reject, and even hurt you for it. Isn’t this what Jesus life was all about? Didn’t He end up in the cross for this TRUTH?

    In all these cases, in the lives of sinners (which I repeat, we all are!) , Jesus offered love, by offering the Truth (bringing to light, their sin), asking us to repent , offering forgiveness…..and ultimately , offering a new life here on earth and eternal life with Him. The Truth shall set us free.

    So yes, Jesus shows how you love the sinner, and yet can hate the sin In fact, it is but logical that if you love the person, you hate the sin that binds Him to be the person God designed Him to be. And yes, we are called to love others, as He has loved us. It involves, kindness, gentleness, patience, self sacrifice , and it also includes sharing the Truth, from His Word, and from how we have experienced God’s love, forgiveness, mercy and grace in our lives.

    We are called to love, share the good news about Jesus but the outcome in people’s lives is up to Him. In the end, each one chooses to believe or not, to obey or not….we are free to choose now, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our choice.

    And so while there is still time, let us share love, by sharing the truth and hope and pray for the best for each one.

    Carry on , sister!

  33. One thing you missed, but greatly affects everything:

    Committing a sin is different than living in sin. No condemnation whatsoever, but just realize that they are different and you cannot say the two are really equal.

    This kind of rhetoric will always be used by people who are willfully sinning. I’ve known so many Christians who justify their homosexuality because we are not perfect, and every sin is the same…

    1. Hello! I appreciate you pointing this out because you are entirely correct. 🙂 This is why I ended this post by saying that we live our lives in light of God’s holiness, not of other people – to prevent people from justifying and comparing. It seems though like the intended ending line and verse weren’t enough, so I added a line to my last paragraph just now to clear that up. Thank you, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to read this post and come up to the wrong conclusion. 🙂

  34. One thing you missed, but greatly affects everything:

    Committing a sin is different than living in sin. No condemnation whatsoever, but just realize that they are different and you cannot say the two are really equal.

    This kind of rhetoric will always be used by people who are willfully sinning. I’ve known so many Christians who justify their homosexuality because we are not perfect, and every sin is the same…

    1. Hello! I appreciate you pointing this out because you are entirely correct. 🙂 This is why I ended this post by saying that we live our lives in light of God’s holiness, not of other people – to prevent people from justifying and comparing. It seems though like the intended ending line and verse weren’t enough, so I added a line to my last paragraph just now to clear that up. Thank you, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to read this post and come up to the wrong conclusion. 🙂

  35. Hello. 🙂 I hope that you do not think my reply is criticism of your beliefs or of your writing but I would just like to put forth my own opinion. The Bible said that love is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:10), so if two men or two women love each other the same way a man and a woman would love each other romantically, I do not see anything wrong with that, because I don’t see anything wrong with love.

    I would just like to hear your opinion on this. Thank you. 🙂 You are a great writer.

    1. Hi, Hannah! 🙂 Thank you for your compliments and I appreciate you giving value to what I have to say. I think it is important to note that God is the ultimate definition of love. We’ve come to define love in so many ways, but I think love is first and foremost holy and love is still subject to His law. Think of it this way: when Jesus came to fulfill the law in His love, He didn’t go against God’s righteousness to do so. Rather, His love was driven by righteousness, never once going against the law.

      If a man is to commit adultery and justify it by saying he loves his mistress, is it really still under God’s definition of love or is he trying to use his emotions as an excuse to explicitly go against God’s law? I think you see where I’m going here. Love is not truly love if it is opposed to God’s law and God’s standard. 🙂

  36. Hello. 🙂 I hope that you do not think my reply is criticism of your beliefs or of your writing but I would just like to put forth my own opinion. The Bible said that love is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:10), so if two men or two women love each other the same way a man and a woman would love each other romantically, I do not see anything wrong with that, because I don’t see anything wrong with love.

    I would just like to hear your opinion on this. Thank you. 🙂 You are a great writer.

    1. Hi, Hannah! 🙂 Thank you for your compliments and I appreciate you giving value to what I have to say. I think it is important to note that God is the ultimate definition of love. We’ve come to define love in so many ways, but I think love is first and foremost holy and love is still subject to His law. Think of it this way: when Jesus came to fulfill the law in His love, He didn’t go against God’s righteousness to do so. Rather, His love was driven by righteousness, never once going against the law.

      If a man is to commit adultery and justify it by saying he loves his mistress, is it really still under God’s definition of love or is he trying to use his emotions as an excuse to explicitly go against God’s law? I think you see where I’m going here. Love is not truly love if it is opposed to God’s law and God’s standard. 🙂

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