Film photography is a hobby I picked up in 2017. I started with a Nikon FM10, and I’ve acquired four more cameras since.
There’s just something about shooting film. The knowledge that every shot has a cost, the unpredictability of results, the wait to get stock developed… I love the deliberation, uncertainty, and slowness of the process.
Though I’m usually one for words, I’ll let these photos speak for themselves.
You can follow my film account here if you want to view more of my shots.
Baguio, 2017

Puerto Galera, 2018

Baguio, 2018

Japan, 2018

Japan, 2019 (Spring)

Zambales/Tagaytay, 2019

Batangas, 2019

Taiwan, 2019

Japan, 2019 (Autumn)

Macau/Hong Kong, 2019-2020